
Sick boy proposes favorite nurse ( VIDEO )

Gideon Robinson is a petite 5 years  from California , who was diagnosed with leukemia on November 17 last year .
Since then he has been hospitalized several times in the Rady Children's Hospital San Diego , where he created a special bond with his nurse of 30 years, Sarah Richardson .
Finally he learned that Sarah was waiting for her boyfriend to propose marriage , so he decided to become her husband 's dreams.
Gideon dizejnoi a ring with pipe cleaners white and pink plastic together with a purple stone , heart shaped .
He even put it in a box of homemade paper .
Surrounded by 20 spectators in 5 -year-old hospital nurse his proposed kneeling .

Sick boy proposes favorite nurse ( VIDEO ) Sick boy proposes favorite nurse ( VIDEO ) Reviewed by newday on 18:12 Rating: 5

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